
Zum Einchecken am Schalter benötigen Sie nur Ihr E-Ticket oder Reservationsnummer, Ihre Safar Flyer-Karte und Ihren Reisepass oder Personalausweis.

Bevorzugter Check-In

Reisen Sie in der Business Class? Für Priority Boarding stehen Ihnen exklusive Check-in-Schalter zur Verfügung. Haben Sie eine Safar flyer Gold- oder Silver-Karte? Wenn Sie eine Safar Flyer-Karte haben, stehen Ihnen die Priority-Check-in-Schalter zur Verfügung.

Alleinreisende Kinder

Beim Check-in werden die Mitarbeiter von Royal Air Maroc das Kind in Begleitung der Eltern oder der beauftragten Person entgegennehmen. Die Eltern müssen einen Haftungsausschluss ausfüllen und alle notwendigen Informationen über die Person angeben, die das Kind am Zielort erwartet. Für Identifikationszwecke erhält jedes Kind einen Beutel. Ein Mitarbeiter von Royal Air Maroc wird Ihr Kind während der gesamten Reise begleiten, bis es von der auf dem Haftungsausschluss genannten Person abgeholt wird.

Check-in recommandations

1. To enjoy your journey and avoid stress, we invite you to arrive at the airport enough time in advance in order to complete all necessary formalities and reach the boarding gate on time.

2.For short/medium haul international flights, we recommand you arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before departure time. During peak periods (holidays, weekends, ..), it is recommended to arrive at the airport at least 4 hours before departure time.

3. For long haul international flights, we recommand you arrive at the airport at least 4 hours before departure time. During peak periods (holidays, weekends, ..), it is recommended to arrive at the airport at least 5 hours before departure time.

4. For domestic flights, we recommend you arrive at the airport at least 2 hours before departure time.

5. Make sure that you are in compliance with health and documentation requirements of your countries of departure, transit and destination, before your check-in

6. Check-in counters close 60 minutes before departure time and the time limit for online check-in is 2 hours before departure time.

7. boarding gate will be closed 15min before the departure time of your flight

Nos conseils pour l'enregistrement

Domestic flights

If you are travelling on domestic flights, you can check in for a return flight on the same day if you are travelling without luggage. This way, you don't have to check in on the return flight.

Connecting flights

You can check in with your luggage to your final destination. Your boarding pass for the connecting flight will be given to you at the departure airport.

Online Check-in

-If you are departing from Morocco, you can check-in online, however you are required to go through the check-in counter to finalize your check-in and receive your boarding pass after completing the documentation and health requirements controls.
-If you are departing from outside Morocco, you can check in online and download and/or print your boarding pass in advance.
-The documentary and health check will be performed out before boarding -Online check-in is not available for the following destinations: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,SAUDI ARABIA, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, CANADA, SWITZERLAND, GERMANY,UNITED KINGDOM, QATAR, ISRAEL, RUSSIA.
-Online printing of the boarding pass is not possible if you are travelling from Moroccan airports and from the following airports: Accra, Bangui, Bamako, Brazzaville, Conakry, Cotonou, Dakar, Kinshasa, Freetown, Libreville, Lagos, Niamey, Nouakchott, Yaoundé, Praia, Monrovia.